Aurora is a great place to
Begin your career.
Entry-Level Officers
The men and women of the Aurora Police Department are honored to serve such a vibrant, diverse, and growing community. Aurora offers you a long and rewarding career with limitless opportunities to explore all the specialized units of a modern law enforcement agency.
- $114K after 5 years
- 27-week paid academy
- 401(A) hybrid defined benefit plan
- 457(b) deferred compensation plan
- Free life insurance, 1.5 times annual salary
- Duty weapon, uniform and equipment provided
- 2-5 weeks of vacation depending on years of service
- 10 paid holidays
- 120 hours annual sick leave
- 28 hours of personal leave each calendar year
- Long-term disability
- Short-term disability
- Special assignments
- Patrol shift differential pay
- Excellent health, dental and vision plans are available for police officers and their eligible family members/domestic partners. The city contributes to all plans.
Frontline Exam with National Testing Network (NTN). The Aurora Police Department can pay for this test. Please contact a Recruiter for more information.
Physical Fitness Test
Oral Board InterviewÂ
Conditional Job Offer
Background Investigation
Complete Personal History Statement
Job Suitability AssessmentÂ
Psychological AssessmentÂ
Medical Assessment/Drug TestÂ
Chief’s Final Review
Final Job Offer
Begin the Academy and the Career of a Lifetime!Â
- Must be 21 YOA when the Academy is projected to endÂ
- No felony convictionsÂ
- High School Diploma or GED Â
- Valid driver’s license  Â
- U.S. Citizen OR a lawful, permanent residentÂ

state-of-the-art training
The City of Aurora Public Safety Training Center (CAPSTC) is a 23-acre campus facing the Colorado Rockies. This innovative and modern public safety campus includes a 40,000-square-foot building that supports classroom and practical skills building. In addition, it features a five-story training tower structure, three scenario buildings, and a driving track. Recognizing the importance of scenario-based training, the academy boasts a state-of-the-art training simulator and a full-time academy staff to ensure our recruits’ success. The campus serves as a joint-training facility for the city’s fire and police departments allowing us to unite to operate and train together.